Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Finding Spirit in The Oddest Places

Hello Beautiful Essences!

This past weekend I got to go to last show of P!nk's "The Truth About Love" Tour. I went with three of my girlfriends and I wanted to post about having a spiritual experience while I was there.

When I was in middle school I was bullied a lot and did not have many friends. One of the things that got me through that time period was Pink's M!ssundaztood album.

Last saturday night I was standing there waiting for Pink to come out on that stage. I was excited to see one of my best friends excited to see her favorite artist. However something changed as soon as her she started singing.

It hit me like a ton of bricks. One of my connections to Spirit is through music. So there I was, at a pop-rock concert having a spiritual experience.

Here stood a woman that writes her songs from the heart. Not every song was a deep spiritual connection. But the songs that I connect with deeply has a profound effect on me.

I could close my eyes, sing as loud as I could without a care in the world. I swayed my hips to the music and pounded my foot to the ground. I got to shred tears working through my shadow work of that moment. That I am worthy. Very simple but profound realization that shook me to my core.

I am worthy. I am beautiful. I am me.

I do not have to be a certain way, and I do not have to hide anymore.

So beautiful essence my question to you is this: What makes you have a spiritual experience? And how often do you seek Spirit in all of your activites?


Have you read some of her lyrics?
Here is some from her song "Dear Diary":

Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets 
Cuz you're the only one that I know who'll keep them 
Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets 
I know you'll keep them, and this is what I've done 

I learned my lessons 
I turned myself around 
I've got a guardian angel tattooed on my shoulder
She's been watching over me 

P!nk: Dear Diary Youtube Video


Her song Sober brought tears to my eyes, it was truly inspiring. Here is a youtube video of Sober from this tour:

Many Blessings,


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Build. Play. Challenge.

Do you remember as a kid playing all the time. Having your imagination firing 24-7. Having all the energy in the world and almost no fear. Then *smack!* It was all gone. So what happened?

The ideas that society has on us came in and our world came crashing down. So now what do we do?

Build. I remember building castles out of boxes and newspaper. Of creating a world where dragon's lived and no one ever died. So what is the difference today then when I was 7? Well first off I am an adult with college, work, bills, and a 8 month old. So why even care about make believe. Building and Creating a world to have fun is something that I've done a lot. I read books that are not real and I watch tv shows that are not "reality". I do not use my imagination to watch tv or read books. So everyday I need to have a moment to build my creativity, no matter what media it is in.

Play. Now with what I have created it's time to play with it and see what comes out of it. I personally find that playing with art is my favorite media to play with at the moment. To mix colors together to see what I can create. Currently I enjoy forming newspaper on to the pieces of canvas to create these beautiful textures. Also I am playing with ideas for stories that are floating around in my head. Who knows what they will become.

Challenge. Here comes the hardest part. To not let go on the building and playing of the creative side of me while living life and staying in recovery from my depression. Which these days seems to be the harshest. To actually spend the time with my art when all I truly want to do is sleep or not do anything. So I have been carrying around my sketchbooks and starting to create and build again. Letting go of other things and trusting that taking care of me first is the best and only policy. Cause if I am not taken care of, I can not help anyone else.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Old Friend

Here is my adventure of letting go of my last drug vice, smoking cigarettes.
What came about for this turn of events was my husband for months has told me that we should quit smoking. Now I truly feel that I am not ready to let go of this vice. I love my nicotine and the sensation every time I lite a cigarette. However the night before I quit my husband looked at me and said “Hun we need to quit smoking.” I quickly replied that I did not want to and I was not ready. Then he said the most profound thing, which he has said before but this time it stuck, “If you wait till you are ready then you will never quit.” So I looked at him and said that once I finished the pack that I had I would quit. Now as I typing this message my last cigarette was 17 hours ago. All I have done today is woke up and gone to work. Things are rattling through my head of how I could smoke just one. I want one so badly. But honestly if I have that one then I will end up buying another pack when I get paid tomorrow. I have to COMMITT to the fact that I am a non-smoker. Why would a non-smoker want to smoke a cigarette? I’ve gone almost a complete day without one, and I am wearing a patch on top of that. So no. I do not need a cigarette. I am a non-smoker who is working towards living a healthier lifestyle.

I have it planned that when I get home I’ll ask my friend for one. Instead if she is there I am going to see if she wants to go on a walk with me and leave the smokes at the house. I will walk. I am a non-smoker. I have a mental obsession to smoke. My body does not need to smoke. It is God’s temple and I am destroying God’s temple by taking in that smoke every time. So good-bye old friend. Your services are no longer needed in my life. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I'm Waking Up

If you haven't had a chance yet. Please check out Imagine Dragons song "Radioactive". Here is a link to a live youtube video of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybirL3EtMb8&list=PLmK93-G4aQJIdJWe5E-wmyjkzSe2PS1Ga Now I am not the biggest fan of live versions of songs but this is one of the best ones I have listened to.

This brings me back to the title of today's post. "I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones, Enough to make my system blow, Welcome to the New Age." -Radioactive
Words that have been taken into my soul and have rocketed me into a new level of gratitude and hope.

I am waking up. From this slumber of going with the flow of what I thought the world wanted from me.

I feel it in my bones. I am a beautiful sexy women of the universe today. I have value and worth. My life and being has depth and weight, on a level that I did not see before.

Enough to make my systems blow Hello Mercury Retrograde! let's use this time to go within and find what makes me truly tick and throw away all of the things that do not help my spiritual path.

Welcome to the New Age Whether anyone wants to recognize it or not we are in a time here spirituality, not religion is sought after. we are in a new age, a new coming, a Spiritual Revolution.

"I raise my flags, don my clothes. It's a revolution, I suppose. We're painted red to fit right in."

Let's see what the days brings us then? Like it seep into your bones, to know and understand that it's time to let go and let a new age come into existence. What are you doing for your life and happiness today.
Are you working to make money to pay the bills and let the job and money run your life?
Are you in an healthy relationship that is destructive to your self and well being?
Is this world to go walk on blind faith that the universe itself knows what is better for us then our finite minds can? More importantly I must ask myself today, I am ready to walk on blind faith and trust that I will be ok not living in self for this day.

Peace and Blessings to You

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hearing Messages

Hello Blogging World,

I understand that I have not posted in awhile, that is what happens when you have a kid, working, and still going to school. However I wanted to post and give some updates on things that I have been working on in my spirituality. Have you ever wanted messages, clear cut directions from our higher power? I have found that the universe has blessed (or curse, depending on my perspective that day) me with intuitive insight. My spirit guides have shown me this path of oracle card reading. Through this medium, I want to share with you how you are able to also, even if you are not an intuitive, how to get guidance from your higher power. If you have twenty dollars to spare go to your local metaphysical shop, see what deck resonates with you and buy it. Now go to your sacred place and start getting to know your deck. Look at the cards, read the book that comes with it, begin to play! Yes I did say play with your cards. Also remember that this is not about being right or being wrong it is about trying and giving and receiving messages from your guides. If you have any questions let me know.
