Hello Beautiful Essences!
I wanted to formally introduce myself in case you do not know who I am and what I am all about.
- My name is Lindsay Liistro and I am a mother to a wonderful 14 month old daughter named Erica. I am a wife to the sexiest man I know.
Here is a family shot from our wedding in May 2013 |
- I am a college student who will be graduating in July 2014.
I stress and freak out over papers, exams, and deadlines. |
- I work two part time jobs.
- Live by a budget (most days).
- I have financial insecurities, at this moment live almost pay check to pay check (writing a blog post in February 2014 on working on manifesting the flow of money in one's life)
And here is the kicker and why I am here blogging about my thoughts:
I am to the core a spiritual thinker.
This is the place for me to put down what I think and feel, honestly because I am tired of my guides yelling at me to spread news of the Light in this world.
I adore reading spiritual books like Sera Beak's
The Red Book: A Deliciously Unorthodox Approach to Ingiting Your Divine Spark or Louise Hay's
You Can Heal Your Life.
I search the inter-webs for more information on various unconventional spiritual topics.
I am a pagan. I believe in many aspects of various traditions. For example deep down I believe that Jesus is real, he's an ascended master and I do pray to him. I also have a special relationship with the Goddess Isis and Goddess Kali. I pray with the moon cycles and celebrate Wicca holy days.
I spend time on various social media platforms connecting to others who are like myself.
I am gifted oracle and tarot reader. I am a Reiki practitioner.
And this 2014 year is going to be a huge year growth for me:
- certifying myself through Starshine Healing Academy of Psychic Development
- becoming a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner
- graduating college with a bachelor's degree in Anthropology
So through prayer and meditation I have been guided to create a business
to share my spiritual gifts and information I have collected over the
years. Everlasting Essence officially into this world March 2013.
~The name "Everlasting Essence" came to Lindsay through many conversations with others and during a Meditation with Spirit.
It's the idea that every single person has this everlasting essence
inside themselves and getting in touch with that essence is one of our
main purposes in this physical realm~
Through her website you can sign up for the current services she has to offer.
Here are Everlasting Essence's Social Media platforms:
Everlasting Essence Facebook
Everlasting Essence Twitter
Everlasting Essence Pinterest
Everlasting Essence Youtube Channel
Finally to stay up to date on what is going on don't forget to sign up for my