Saturday, February 22, 2014

Goddess Cordelia

Hello Beautiful Essence!

Here is this week's Goddess of the Week Post: Goddess Cordelia! :)

Goddess Cordelia is a British nature Goddess. She is connected with the fairies and flowers.  She is connected with the Earth cycle. She usually appears in May when the Earth is fertile and ready to plant for the year. She is a goddess connected with Beltane (May 1).

Her message for this week is to make an effort to go outside and be a part of nature. Start preparing for Spring because it is coming around the corner. Now is the time to start planning your spring garden. Don't forget the flowers along with the fruits and vegetables. A great resource for all gardeners is the "Farmer's Almanac" or I also created a Pinterest board about Gardening 

Or it's the time to make a fairy house for your fairies! There are many ways to make a fairy house. Check out your local metaphysical stores to see if they have any classes to make one. Here in Atlanta, GA I know that Forever And A Day is hosting a Fairy House Workshop by Crystal Starshine on March 22, 2014 from 1-3pm.

Her main point for showing up this week is we've all been inside too much recently. With the colder weather we normally don't spend time outside. So bundle up lovely essence! Step out outside and connect with nature again. Hug a tree. Go to the river. Smell the flowers. Feel the moss between your toes. And mainly reconnect!

Affirmation for the week: I am connected to Mother Nature and all her wisdom.

Namaste Beautiful Essence


Lindsay Liistro is available for email and skype/Google+ Hangout readings. She is accepting new clients. Check out the services she offers and book your reading today :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Passing On Of Love Ones

Hello Beautiful Essence!

I've been quiet these past couple of weeks due to life being life. My grandfather passed away January 26, 2014 and here are my thoughts of my life from the moment he went into the Hospice House January 22 till now.

I found out that my grandfather went into the Hospice House on Wednesday (1-26). I was working on homework for my Biological Archaeology class. I found really quickly that it is difficult to write critical summaries for academic journal articles, when the reality of my grandfather dying was sinking in. I had too many things starting to run through my head.

This is the point when the continuous prayer in my mind began. Throughout the rest of this blog post the prayers will be written like this: God, please make Papa as comfortable as possible during this time.

My family and I found out that he was dying from Liver Cancer in September 2013. In October 2013 my daughter Erica, one of my best friend's Kat, and I went on a road trip to see him one more time before his passing.

My Daughter Erica with her Great-Grand Father Howard Johnson

Since Erica has become a thought to my family. I have called my grandparents on a weekly basis. Every time I would call, if my Papa was awake I would give him an "Erica Update." He loved his great-grand-daughter with all his heart.

So flash forward to the week of finding out this was the end for my grandfather. I was about to go to my college classes that Thursday (1-23) and really did not know how to focus on my class work. My father was playing the idea of going to see him in hospice. 

Please, let me go to see him before he leaves. I need to see him before he leaves. I feel it in my bones that if we go down, he will die soon afterwards.

By the end of the day the decision of going happened. My Dad and I let for Florida that Friday at midnight. From Atlanta to Tampa Bay it is roughly an eight hour drive. All the angels in this world please keep my dad, myself, and this car we are driving safe on our trip. I'm glad I went with my dad because I drove when he needed the rest. I got to show up as a road buddy for him when he needed it the most.

When we arrived I changed clothes and went straight to the Hospice House. I did not prepare myself enough for what I saw. Now from me to you, I am not going to go into details. All I can tell you is this: "When you go to Hospice for someone, they do not look like the person you knew. And to be honest, I do not think you can ever be fully prepared for what you see."

Please let him die quickly and peacefully. I have never wished death on anyone, but I want him to transition to the other side quickly. 

I am not trying to make a huge political statement. I just saw that there really was nothing left for my grandfather except tell him that I loved him, kiss him on the forehead, and watch him pass onto the next stage of life. And that is what I did.

That Saturday and Sunday I gave him a final in person Erica Update. I did crossword puzzles with him. Took a nap in the room with him. And I told him good-bye. I told him it was ok to die. That we are all taken care of here on this physical plane.

Please let this be quick and peaceful. Please tell me that he hears us and knows that it's ok to let go of this physical world and move on to the next stage. 

On Sunday (1-26) I came to terms with trying a praying ritual to see if I could help push him to the other side. Around 1400 hours that afternoon I burned a black candle with the intent of "Letting Go" with a Rose Quartz and Blue Lace Agate crystal grid around the candle.

Later that night I did the second half of the ritual which was a white candle with the intent of "Acceptance." During the time of the candle burning the flame started to flicker for about ten minutes. Five minutes after it stopped flickering, I was given my cousin's phone and told by my father that his dad had passed on.

I was relieved, elated, and could finally take a deep breath since I arrived there.  

I learned in that moment, in my bones that there is truly more to life than the physical world. When someone leaved this physical form it is not the end, it is part of the cycle of our essence.

Thank you for reading this, please comment. And as always, Blessed Be


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Goddess Maeve

Hello Beautiful Essences and here is your Goddess of The Week Reading :)

This week we have..... Maeve!

Maeve: From Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck
Maeve is from Celtic/Irish origin. She is known as the Fairy Goddess. She is connected with the birds and nature. If you were to vision her in your mind's eye today, think of a woman with a gold staff sitting on a throne. She would have birds whispering knowledge into her ear.

Her name is connected to the word, "meade"(alcoholic beverage). The reasoning behind this is she is "intoxicating" or she who intoxicates those around her. Her energy is strong and comes through with force. 

So my fellow Essence here is the message I am receiving from this Goddess for the upcoming week.

This week is full of high emotion. With Valentine's Day coming up on Friday, be sure to honor yourself during this week. Listen to what your body needs, whether it be food, water, or natural desires. Honor what it needs Essence. But word of caution: There is a give and take to every act done in this world. Karma can be a bitch, so be mindful of the actions you take this week.

Also remember to own your responsibility of the energy you bring into the world. Being a person who is knowledgeable of the energy you emit from your body, there will be moments this week when you will have to practice on checking in with where you are at emotionally. As Yoda says in Star Wars, "The Force is strong with this one." Your energy Essence can be strong and over bearing.

All in all the main point for this week from Maeve is to be mindful of your actions.

Till Next Time,
Lindsay Liistro


Have you enjoyed the Goddess Of The Week Readings? Don't forget that Lindsay is now taking new clients. Book your reading with her now. Or you can email her if you have any questions, comments, or just want to connect :)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

First Deck Ever

Hello Beautiful Essence!

I wanted to write a quick post. I've been M.I.A for the past two weeks and needed to write something. (Don't worry I have a few posts coming up that will explain some of the madness; my grandfather passed on and I have gotten the tri-fecta Mono, Flu, and Strep)

Anyways, that's besides the point of this post. Just wanted to give a quick update.... here's the main point:

Here is when I got my first deck ever!

My Punk Face Look with My New Deck in 2008

This was a day that looking back on, I can not believe that I didn't see my intuitive ways then. 

There was five of us art students who went with our art teacher to the High Museum our senior year. Our goal was to pick one artist that we enjoyed and connected with and write a paper on that artist.

Here are the five of us from that day... Courtesy of
While going through the Museum, I found one artist that I fell in love with. No joke, even to this day I still have an "Art Crush" on this woman. Her name is Pamela Colman Smith.

Pamela Colman Smith

Her art showed something different than everyone else that day. 

Her art pieces was a mix of the surreal and visions from spirit. Looking back I can see that Pixie (her nickname) used art as a medium of getting those visions on paper. I completely and utterly connected with what they were saying.

There was an original deck that she made on display there. 

I did not spend as much time with the deck (at the time I was a full blown Catholic and Tarot represented in my mind at the time The Devil). They were beautiful and ~*very chatty*~. I remember being creeped out being around the deck. They had been used and loved and very chatty about the world. They were beautiful and hope I get another chance to the see them in the future. 


So when we were leaving I was in the gift shop. I wanted something by Pixie and all I could find was the Rider-Wade Deck. 


I took a leap of faith and bought the deck. I still have the deck. It is a reminder that the choices we make in life, even the small ones; Make a Difference.


I am humbled how Spirit gives me messages that I do not notice at the moment. 
However it sets into motion how we are merely players in this game of life. The best part is I'm ok with that ;)



Here is Natasha Bedingfeild's song Touch. The Lyric of the Bridge towards the end of the song sums up perfectly how I feel looking back on this experience in my life.

Every choice we make
And every road we take
Every interaction
Starts a chain reaction
We're both affected when we least expect it
And then when we touched
Then it all connected

Namaste Beautiful Essence, Till Next Time
