Hello Beautiful Essences,
This week I wanted to talk about Self-Love and what that looks like for me today.
Self-Love for me is very beginning of the journey of becoming the person I want to be today. It is the place where I understand if I do not take care of myself (self-care) and I do not love myself (self-love) then I spin into a place of darkness and depression.
The reason why I brought up self-care with self-love is they are both linked together, however do not mean the same thing. I learned that lesson the hard way.
Self-Love is a form of Self-Care but not all Self-Care is Self-Love. For me this means that self-love can be affirmations of myself.
- **Lindsay you are beautiful** I sometimes struggle with this one today.
- **Lindsay your stretch marks are beautiful** I birthed a child into this world. The stretch marks on my stomach are beautiful, regardless of what society says they are. I am a goddamn tiger and here me roar!
- **Lindsay you are worthy** I am worthy every day. I am worth the breath I inhale from the atmosphere. I am worthy to be in this world today
These affirmations can be both self-love and self-care. I am doing basic, "Let's change our thoughts, those thoughts will change my beliefs, those beliefs will change my actions."
Here are some actions for me is self-care:
- brushing my teeth (be honest sometimes this is hard to do)
- putting on make-up (for me it's not necessary everyday to "doll up" but some days to get out of the house I need to)
- eating when I am hungry and stopping when I am full
Now don't get me the wrong way, these can be self-love because I am loving my body by taking care of it.
So I hope you see how these two ideas can be lost and mixed up in my head. In turn this is what I do instead. I have a checklist of things that need to get done everyday. Here's the list for me & I encourage you to alter the list to your lifestyle:
- shower
- eat when hungry
- mediation (goal 15 minutes)
- do "Three Most Important Tasks" for my business
- call a friend to say hi
- play with my Daughter
- kiss my husband
- work if I work
- do three "Random Acts of Kindness" (this one can be hard some days)
- have an empty sink of dishes at the end of the day
- painting or any art things
More or less depending on the day's activities. Some days only one or two are done on this list. And the biggest form of Self-Love I can do for myself is remember this. I am only one person and if something does not get done today it is not the end of the world! There's always tomorrow and so that thing I missed today goes on the top of the list tomorrow.
Self-Love and Self-Care has taught me that I am a mother to a 19 month old daughter. I am a wife. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am an employee. I am a co-worker. I work four amazing jobs (don't worry one is my business and one is a few days a month). I have more roles that I juggle through the day. And you know what? I am who I am and nothing more or less. And taking care of myself is sooooo important.
So. If you feel like your struggling with Self-Love I highly suggest that you check out "Self-Love Saturday's" on Nourished Soul's Facebook. It's a great reminder to check in and see how I am doing my self-love every week.

Also Heather, owner of Nourished Soul Coaching just opened up spots for self-love coaching in her schedule. I highly encourage you to check out her services. She is a wonderful mentor, teacher, and friend who can help you on your path of more Self-Love in your life.
Have a wonderful day Beautiful Essences!
-Lindsay Essence
Lindsay is an internationally regarded Psychic Medium Intuitive. She is a Certified Ethical Psychic through the Starshine Healing Academy. Lindsay is also a Reiki Practitioner and an Intuitive Henna Artist specializing in healing symbols. She is an Ordained Minister through the Universal Life Church. Lindsay has the psychic gifts of Clairvoyant, Clairaudiant, and Clairsentience. She uses these gifts and a combination of divination tools in sacred space to provide messages from Spirit for you.