Tuesday, December 8, 2015

If You Never Ask You Can Never Receive

Hello Beautiful Essences!

My name is Lindsay Essence and I have been pulled to ask and share this with all of you. This past year was grueling and extremely challenging. I found that the only way to heal and continue to move forward is to deepen my spiritual practice. I grew up with one form of spirituality and I adore all the experiences I learned from that practice; however I now resonate with a different path.

I am a natural intuitive psychic medium and I have this huge pull to dive deeper into my spirituality, especially for 2016. I have the spiritual woo woo books on my shelf. I have joined in on classes I can find here in Georgia. I have not found someone that I 100% vibe and respect to learn deeper spiritual principles with that I don't already know.

I found one spiritual witch years ago on online and have connected with her on Periscope in the past few moths. Her name is Jess Carlson and she one spiritual bad ass witch. She is opening up the Cosmic Wisdom Academy and I would give almost anything to join.

In this academy I get to build upon what I already know and be able to push my spirituality practice to the next level. I get to learn about the things I've always wanted to know about and can not learn from a book. No joke people this is an answer to a quiet prayer I've had for years.

Cosmic Wisdom Academy

So here is where, "If You Never Ask You Can Never Receive" comes into play. I want to raise funds to be in the academy. I live on a tight budget and I want to raise the funds for the tuition to attend this academy. My goal is to raise $1500 by December 25. No I'm not asking for a hand-out. I hate when people do that. What I am asking is if you ever wanted a reading from me now is the time to do so. I'm asking for an equal energy exchange.

****Every single person who donates will receive a recording of my "live" #GlobalMediationScope Mediation, no matter if you buy one of the options or send a money amount of your choice. ****

I am pulling together my spiritual gifts to offer as an equal energy exchange for assisting me to attend this academy.

  • **25** Quick 1 card emailed PDF reading
    Image result for paypal buy now button
  • **$50** 30 minute reading live video chat or phone call with me **or** A small flat rate box filled with herbs, crystals, a card from my "harry potter deck" with hand written reading for you from me
    Image result for paypal buy now button
  • **$75** Energy Chakra Healing Session (In-Person or Over Video Chat)
    Image result for paypal buy now button
  • **$100** 60 minute video chat or phone reading
  • Image result for paypal buy now button
  • **150** Hand painted alter box filled with herbs and a handwritten reading with cards pulled
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  • **175** wheel of the year reading, 12 month outlook reading with a 13 cards. This is an emailed PDF reading
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  • **$250** wheel of the year reading with a mid year check up video chat or phone call in June or July 2016
    Image result for paypal buy now button

You can buy them for yourself or for someone else. Here is exactly where your money is going towards:
  • me deeping my spiritual practice
  • expanding my knowledge of various spiritual practices
  • gaining me a new fresh pair of eyes on spirituality in general
  • giving me peace of mind while attending this academy
  • and showing me and the world that setting intentions really do work (Law of Attraction)
Now if you really want to here is a donate button, my guides are pushing that this is included, however I would prefer you buy a reading or a spiritual tool kit instead:
Image result for paypal donate button
Image result for paypal donate button

Thanks for your time and energy to help me achieve this dream and goal.


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Comeback... Not Really Comeback

Hello Essences!

I am writing this blog to share with you these past few months of quietness but also to give myself permission to return to the world as Lindsay Essence.

Where to begin? How do I start?

I'll start with March 4, 2015 which was one of the hardest weeks of my life to date. That day I lost a dear friend of mine after having a great 8 year friendship with him. He was one of my co-workers at work. He was like another father figure to me. I would bring him key chains from my travels. He saw me graduate high school. Get married to one of my best friends. Worked with me through my pregnancy with my daughter. Saw me graduate college. Was there for me during a third of my life. The ups and downs, saw the raw me, and knew the real me.

It is said that if a friendship lasts 7 years then it will most likely stick for a lifetime. I had 8 years with him in this physical realm.

The last 18 months of his life his health started to fail. A few days before he passed I saw him. I actually saw him less than 24 hours before the heart attack that took his life from his body. I told him I loved him, gave him a hug, and rushed to do something at work at that moment. It was a Saturday when I saw him last.

That following Wednesday he was gone.

That is the beginning, the spark, the start of what had spiraled me into solitude and finding my inner strength.

I say spiraled because that is what happened. I spiraled bad. I suffer from bi-polar disorder, depression, anxiety, addiction and PTSD.

And with that when there are too many things going on; life, stress, work, school, etc. I can crack. At that point in my life that is what happened. I cracked and those who I trusted, I confided in; they didn't understand. I needed to step away from everything and everyone and go back to my core to become stable again.

I am no longer angry with those individuals. In all honesty I never was 100% honest with them about the dark side of having these disorders. Words were taken out of context, twisted into fear, and I was the black sheep to some. But I really don't need those people. I needed those who have stood by me when I have seriously wanted to kill myself and through my days when showering was all I could do. Not the ones who did not fully know what was going on.

Because the truth of the matter is I suffer from mental disorders that make it difficult to have an abundant of meaningful relationships in my life. And I especially need people who understand me when I have my "dark days" or "dark months." Those who can check in with me asking, "How is your self care today?"

I need those who understand that recovery from addiction is no laughing matter. That my life without getting loaded is worth more than to test your theory that years of not drinking or using makes me able to drink or use like a normal person.

And my cherry on top is I have most of March and April blacked out in my memory, which sucks balls. Yes sucks balls. But it is part of being me.

Which brings me to here today, a day in July, months after losing a connection with one of pillars of people who knew me on all sides of myself.

I got pulled into a world of competition, fear, and lies. I do not want to go back to that. I even walked away from my spirituality completely for a few weeks. (If you are intuitive you know that your guides will drive you crazy if you do that for too long).

I have decided to blog again, share my knowledge, connect with like minded people, and focus on my art and being of service.

If you resonate with sharing, connecting, and learning. Please stay connected with me. If not then please delete me, unfollow me, or whatever we do on the internet.

This is going to be a slow process.

And what I really wanted to say is I am here.

With hitting the "Publish" Button on my blog, I am cutting all ties with those I no longer connect or wanted in my life.

I am listening.

I am writing.

I am painting.

I am creating.

I am scoping.

And I needed to give me permission to allow myself to be me on these platforms again.

Always with Love,

Lindsay Essence
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