Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hearing Messages

Hello Blogging World,

I understand that I have not posted in awhile, that is what happens when you have a kid, working, and still going to school. However I wanted to post and give some updates on things that I have been working on in my spirituality. Have you ever wanted messages, clear cut directions from our higher power? I have found that the universe has blessed (or curse, depending on my perspective that day) me with intuitive insight. My spirit guides have shown me this path of oracle card reading. Through this medium, I want to share with you how you are able to also, even if you are not an intuitive, how to get guidance from your higher power. If you have twenty dollars to spare go to your local metaphysical shop, see what deck resonates with you and buy it. Now go to your sacred place and start getting to know your deck. Look at the cards, read the book that comes with it, begin to play! Yes I did say play with your cards. Also remember that this is not about being right or being wrong it is about trying and giving and receiving messages from your guides. If you have any questions let me know.
