Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Matrix

Trying to figure out why certain things happen is like attempting to piece together a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle while only having a few pieces of the puzzle in your possession. You cannot fully understand the present situation using the logic of your finite mind. Just know that a bigger picture exists, even though it is not possible for you to see it at this time. Trust, for all that is happening is an act of love; ultimately your will discover the blessing. Have patience! You will look on this period of our life and be thankful for all that is occurring now.

~Magdalene Oracle Deck: The Matrix~ 

My heart and soul have been tugged and pulled in interesting directions for the past few months and really years.  I finally listened and following through. Just a note to one who reads this one day. Don't fight what the universe wants you to do. Ignoring what needs to be done will only cause you to go insane in the process. Going with the flow of the universe makes life run smoother, you have the cosmos of the entire universe backing you up! So I urge you to go and get your hands dirty and see and feel that same happiness that now resonates in my bones. Have no fear, whats the worst that can happen. Really, what's the worst that can happen.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Idea For The Day

Turn your iPod on “shuffle.” Set your intention that the first 5 songs that play be divinely orchestrated, and if danced to fully, will heal your mind/body/soul of whatever ails you today

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Meditation on Abundance

~We often take what we have for granted, and it can be affirming to practice thankfulness.
If you are reading this, it means you can read; there are many people in the world who cannot. Consider the number of living family members and the number of friends you have. Think about the cats and dogs in your life and realize that not everyone can afford to feed and care for pets. Do you have plants on your windowsill, or garden? Those are living beings in your life as well. Look in your closet, and add up how many pieces of clothing you have - ignore whether they fit you, or are in style. Any clothing will cover you and keep you warm. go to the supermarket and count the number of fruits and vegetables available to eat, and reflect on the number of places they come from so you can have a healthy and varied diet.~

One thing that I am seeing in my life that makes such a huge difference is the paradigm shift of my thoughts along with the intention of those thoughts. That what I give to the world comes back full circle. I had a resentment and anger created towards one of my teachers at school. She really rubbed me the wrong way. So I spent sometime in prayer, meditation, and asked people I trust in my life on what to do. The end result is to come to a place of empathy and compassion when it comes to these things. If I send out anger then I shall get anger in return. I have to say it's draining and takes time. But since I've started doing this I'm more content with my life. Blessed be everyone!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Being Human

Once again I am reminded that I am first and foremost human. The thing that comes with that is to acknowledge what being human means. Not just being human in the sense of what the world says that is, but what I find inside. I find that at this moment (and I fully mean this moment) that I have emotions and guess what blog readers? Pretending that I'm better than them, stuffing them deep inside solves nothing. Letting them come and own what is truly going on. That is a part of being human. Being a woman with feelings but not making anyone else take ownership of them. Seeing that happiness is only one feeling and there is a huge spectrum of emotions just like the color spectrum.

Now I find that the divine is always giving me little nuggets of love and messages in anyway I am willing to receive the message. Today it was three distinct ways.

1) Music:
"Rescue is Coming" by The David Crowder Band
And there's nothing wrong with you  
And nothing left to do  
But believe something bigger  
And there's nothing wrong with love  
I know it's just enough to believe
Don't give up now 
A break in the clouds  
We will be found  
Rescue is coming now
To dance and be excited about what the universe has given me today. To embrace the cool fall breeze on my skin in my car. To throw my hands up in the air, like i just don't care, and dance as if no one is looking. And honesty who cares if they do?

2) Finding out that my mother in law is moving into town within the month. Which brought the anxiety of what if she does not like me. The fear that I actually have not met this woman in person. She will be staying with us (oh god the house) etc. And once again reminded that there is nothing I can do about it and she'll have granddaughter on her mind anyways.

3) The beauty in humility and a white chip (this one is a continuation but I know the universe is already rockin my world with that one). And I mean the absolute beauty. Bare naked, balls to the walls pure beauty of utter humility. And reminded that there is always beauty in the darkest of times, whether we accept life on life's terms or not.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Spirit Guides

Have you ever woke up from what feels like a dream and say to yourself: "That's it. Time to change." Well tonight was one of mine and here I am to start and see what will happens. I have decided to start this blog, whether or not anyone reads it is not the point. The point of it is to post about what is real in a world that seems to care less.

Throughout my day I always ask my guides to show me the path that the universe wants me to move towards today. Let me tell you that today I did not like the direction but love that I am being heard. I am 31 weeks 3 days pregnant today and was shown the pain that comes with being in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. I am unable to get and stay asleep and sharp pain going throughout my body. However I need to remind myself that staying in a place of negativity will do no good. That my affirmation for this is "I embrace this pain. I acknowledge this. I can live through this." To remind myself that my body can and will take care of what is needed for a healthy pregnancy. So here is my prayer: guides please continue to show me this truth throughout these next couple of months.

I figure that this is a great start. Not all of my posts will be centered around my spirituality; but on art, education, politics, love, friendship, divine, and life in general.