Sunday, January 19, 2014

Goddess Mary Magdalene

From the Doreen Virtue "Goddess Guidance" Oracle Deck

Here is this week's Goddess of the Week! Mary Magdalene!

Who is Mary Magdalene? Well to be honest with you, almost every person will have a different answer. For me I see her as a loving and caring woman who stuck by Jesus through thick and thin. She is mentioned in the Bible at the crucifixion and the resurrection. Catholics have her feast day on July 22. Christian Mystics believe her to be Jesus wife and spiritual partner. She was meant to bring the feminine side of the church, but it did not happen because of the dominant male views at the time. 

So what should you get from that? Not sure, but Mary Magdalene is seen as a loving and caring woman. Who no matter what will love and be there for you till the end of time.

The message I am receiving from this card is congratulations on your committing to your goals this year. Mary Magdalene is extremely proud of you this week. She is your cheer leader! She is there to cheer you on and give you a huge hug when you need it. 

Do not forget that you are loved. That you are provided for. And that you are not alone. 

Weekly Blessings Beautiful Essences :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Goddess White Tara

Hello Beautiful Essence :)

I wanted to let you know that I am honored and blessed that you are reading this. (Yep you!) It's awesome to see others checking out and relating to my stuff. So don't forget to comment below or email me to let me know what you think :)

This upcoming week is going to be a doosie for me. I am starting my last semester of classes on Tuesday. I also am taking a CEP (Certified Ethical Psychic) course for the next 3 months. So when I say this is exactly where I am at this week. I am not joking.

I am reminded that I am uber sensitive and need to act accordingly to not be in that hole of fear, worry, and ego.

This week's Goddess of the Week is White Tara

~Just like before, I do not own the Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck~
She is known as the "mother of liberation". The Buddhist Goddess Tara represents the virtues of success in work and achievements. There are many aspects of Tara. This week is about White Tārā. She is also known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity.

Now is the time to remind yourself that you are where you are today. Do not stress and overwhelm yourself with these major issues in your head. 

Do not forget beautiful essence that you have people in your life to ask questions to. Whether it is for help, guidance, or just an ear to hear what is going on. Do not forget that.

The major thing that is coming through this card today is "You are not alone, sweet pea." What a gift, knowing that no matter what, being in that ucky place today is by choice and I do not have to dwell in it. 

The other major message I have for you is to delegate your stuff! I am not Wonder Woman nor do I claim to be. So I need to ask my business team for help where and when I need it. All the way down to asking my hubby to help me with our Little Missy, even though he's done all the care taking that day for her.

This week's Goals: Breathe, Release, Recognize, and Delegate

 Prayer to White Tara: Guide myself to quiet the inside to heal and rebuild today.

Many Blessings for this week!


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Goddess Nemetona

I have been praying and here is something that has come to my attention. For myself I need to connect more with the Goddess. So as I take my journey to connect with her, I'm bringing you along for the ride beautiful essence.

I will be posting a Goddess of the week from Dorren Virtue's Goddess Guidance Deck.  ~I do not own the deck, however the image is one I took. I do not own the deck, nor to I claim the cards as my own. Please do not sue me for copyrights.~

This week's Goddess is Nemetona

Nemetona is a Celtic Goddess. Her name from the Celtic root nemeto- means sacred places. So this week's theme is connect and create these sacred places. 


The message I get when I receive this card is I am lacking in connecting with Spirit. So this week is the time to find that sacred space again. It's time to dust, clean, and smudge that place. 


It also means throughout my day create a sacred place even when I am not in front of my altar. I am a cashier at a grocery store and I find that the store's restroom to be a sacred place when I am working. When I am out of balance inside, I ask to go to the restroom and pray there. 


As a working college mommy, wife, and college student I am rarely home. So I have created a travel altar. So where ever I am I can pull out my bag of crystals, smudge mist, and animal totem. Smudge the space around me, get grounded, and have my sacred objects.


I am reminded by Nemetona that a scared space is something that can be as formal or informal as I want it to be.

Prayer to Nemetona: Please show me my sacred places today to reconnect with Spirit this week.


Many Blessings Beautiful Essence :)


Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Little Introduction of Who I Am Beginning 2014

Hello Beautiful Essences!

I wanted to formally introduce myself in case you do not know who I am and what I am all about.

My stats:
  • My name is Lindsay Liistro and I am a mother to a wonderful 14 month old daughter named Erica. I am a wife to the sexiest man I know.
    Here is a family shot from our wedding in May 2013
  • I am a college student who will be graduating in July 2014. 
  • I stress and freak out over papers, exams, and deadlines.

  • I work two part time jobs. 
    • Live by a budget (most days).
  • I have financial insecurities, at this moment live almost pay check to pay check (writing a blog post in February 2014 on working on manifesting the flow of money in one's life)

And here is the kicker and why I am here blogging about my thoughts: I am to the core a spiritual thinker.

      This is the place for me to put down what I think and feel, honestly because I am tired of my guides yelling at me to spread news of the Light in this world.  

I adore reading spiritual books like Sera Beak's The Red Book: A Deliciously Unorthodox Approach to Ingiting Your Divine Spark or Louise Hay's You Can Heal Your Life.

I search the inter-webs for more information on various unconventional spiritual topics.

I am a pagan. I believe in many aspects of various traditions. For example deep down I believe that Jesus is real, he's an ascended master and I do pray to him. I also have a special relationship with the Goddess Isis and Goddess Kali. I pray with the moon cycles and celebrate Wicca holy days.

I spend time on various social media platforms connecting to others who are like myself.

I am gifted oracle and tarot reader. I am a Reiki practitioner. And this 2014 year is going to be a huge year growth for me:
  • certifying myself through Starshine Healing Academy of Psychic Development
  • becoming a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner
  • graduating college with a bachelor's degree in Anthropology
So through prayer and meditation I have been guided to create a business to share my spiritual gifts and information I have collected over the years. Everlasting Essence officially into this world March 2013.

~The name "Everlasting Essence" came to Lindsay through many conversations with others and during a Meditation with Spirit. It's the idea that every single person has this everlasting essence inside themselves and getting in touch with that essence is one of our main purposes in this physical realm~

Through her website you can sign up for the current services she has to offer.  

Here are Everlasting Essence's Social Media platforms:

Everlasting Essence Facebook
Everlasting Essence Twitter 
Everlasting Essence Pinterest
Everlasting Essence Youtube Channel

Finally to stay up to date on what is going on don't forget to sign up for my newsletter!