Sunday, January 5, 2014

Goddess Nemetona

I have been praying and here is something that has come to my attention. For myself I need to connect more with the Goddess. So as I take my journey to connect with her, I'm bringing you along for the ride beautiful essence.

I will be posting a Goddess of the week from Dorren Virtue's Goddess Guidance Deck.  ~I do not own the deck, however the image is one I took. I do not own the deck, nor to I claim the cards as my own. Please do not sue me for copyrights.~

This week's Goddess is Nemetona

Nemetona is a Celtic Goddess. Her name from the Celtic root nemeto- means sacred places. So this week's theme is connect and create these sacred places. 


The message I get when I receive this card is I am lacking in connecting with Spirit. So this week is the time to find that sacred space again. It's time to dust, clean, and smudge that place. 


It also means throughout my day create a sacred place even when I am not in front of my altar. I am a cashier at a grocery store and I find that the store's restroom to be a sacred place when I am working. When I am out of balance inside, I ask to go to the restroom and pray there. 


As a working college mommy, wife, and college student I am rarely home. So I have created a travel altar. So where ever I am I can pull out my bag of crystals, smudge mist, and animal totem. Smudge the space around me, get grounded, and have my sacred objects.


I am reminded by Nemetona that a scared space is something that can be as formal or informal as I want it to be.

Prayer to Nemetona: Please show me my sacred places today to reconnect with Spirit this week.


Many Blessings Beautiful Essence :)


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